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New posts in purrr

Converting data frame into deeply nested list

r purrr r-whisker

use assign() inside purrr:walk()

r dplyr purrr nse

Using summarize(across(..., .fns = ...)) with a multi-variate function

r dplyr tidyverse purrr

Sampling different numbers of rows by group in dplyr tidyverse

r random dplyr tidyr purrr

dplyr::select of nested data frame

r select dplyr purrr

Rename column of dataframes inside a list with its dataframe name

r dplyr purrr

How to select elements with the same name from nested list with purrr?

r purrr

apply function to grouped rows in dataframe [duplicate]

r dplyr purrr

Using nest and purrr::map outside of mutate

r dplyr tidyr purrr

Purrr and several multiple regressions in R

Grouping Ids based on at least one common values

r reduce purrr accumulate

Extracting Information from Multi-Level Nested Lists

r tidyverse purrr

Retain list names after applying map

r purrr

Fast way to calculate values in cells based on values in previous rows

Repeatedly mutate variable using dplyr and purrr

Rename multiple dataframe columns using purrr

r tidyverse purrr

Binding together dataframes from a list in purrr

r purrr

translate this loop into purr?

r tidyverse purrr

Create list of lists from tibble in R (tidyverse)

r dplyr tidyverse purrr

rename_if() together with starts_with() to prefix certain columns [duplicate]

r dplyr rename tidyverse purrr