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Binding together dataframes from a list in purrr




I have a list of dataframes that all have identical numbers of columns (and rows). I want to bind them using purrr::map_df.

I try map_df(my_list) and get

Error in as_mapper(.f, ...) : argument ".f" is missing, with no default

I'm not sure what's wrong with my list. It looks good to me (each dataframe has a unique name):

enter image description here

like image 345
Nazer Avatar asked Jan 26 '18 22:01


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1 Answers

Try bind_rows(my_list).

map_df(.x, .f) takes a list (the argument .x) and applies a function (the argument .f), and returns a dataframe. You've got the first argument right (probably), but you haven't supplied a function to map. If you want to use map, you might try map_df(my_list, rbind).

like image 107
twedl Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10
