I am trying a small shiny app wherein I load a CSV file from the local directory and then select specific columns from the dataframe and use this subsetted dataframe for further data analysis.
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
fileInput("dataset", "Choose CSV File",
multiple = TRUE,
accept = c("text/csv",
# Include clarifying text ----
#helpText(em("Note: This app requires file in csv format only!!")),
helpText(em("Note:Select all the inputs and click on button as given below to exectute the app")),
# Input: Checkbox if file has header ----
checkboxInput("header", "Header", TRUE),
# Input: Select separator ----
radioButtons("sep", "Separator",
choices = c(Comma = ",",
Semicolon = ";",
Tab = "\t"),
selected = ","),
selectInput("select", "Select columns to display", names(datasetInput), multiple = TRUE),
actionButton("update", "Update Data set", class = "btn-primary",style='padding:4px; font-size:120%')
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
h2('The Mydata'),
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
datasetInput <- eventReactive(input$update, {
validate(need(input$dataset != "", "Please select a data set in csv format only!!!"))# custom error message on opening the app
header = input$header,
sep = input$sep)
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
dataset <- reactive({
output$mytable = renderDataTable({
columns = names(dataset)
if (!is.null(input$select)) {
columns = input$select
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Looking in some SO answers;got a few; one as given below:
shiny allowling users to choose which columns to display
But this answer, the dataset is predefined; I want to the user to download his own dataset.
I am getting the following error:
Error in lapply(obj, function(val) { : object 'datasetInput' not found
I think somewhere I have to use an observeEvent function?
Here's a variant of server.R
; use it with akrun's ui.R
. This one dynamically adapts the filtering choices, and allows you to add columns back by adding their column name even after clicking the button.
server <- function(session, input, output) {
data <- reactive({
read.csv(input$dataset$datapath, header = input$header,sep = input$sep)
filtereddata <- eventReactive({
}, {
if(is.null(input$select) || input$select == "")
data() else
data()[, colnames(data()) %in% input$select]
observeEvent(data(), {
updateSelectInput(session, "select", choices=colnames(data()))
output$mytable <- renderDataTable(filtereddata())
We could modify it
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
fileInput("dataset", "Choose CSV File",
multiple = TRUE,
accept = c("text/csv",
# Include clarifying text ----
#helpText(em("Note: This app requires file in csv format only!!")),
helpText(em("Note:Select all the inputs and click on button as given below to exectute the app")),
# Input: Checkbox if file has header ----
checkboxInput("header", "Header", TRUE),
# Input: Select separator ----
radioButtons("sep", "Separator",
choices = c(Comma = ",",
Semicolon = ";",
Tab = "\t"),
selected = ","),
selectInput("select", "Select columns to display", c('col1', 'col2'), multiple = TRUE),
actionButton("update", "Update Data set", class = "btn-primary",style='padding:4px; font-size:120%')
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
h2('The Mydata'),
server <- function(input, output) {
values <- reactiveValues(df_data = NULL)
observeEvent(input$dataset, {
values$df_data <- read.csv(input$dataset$datapath,
header = input$header,
sep = input$sep
observeEvent(input$update, {
temp <- values$df_data[input$select]
values$df_data <- temp
output$mytable <- renderDataTable(values$df_data)
-Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
-after updating
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