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New posts in summarize

Replace multiple `summarize`statements by function

r function tidyverse summarize

dplyr: group_by and summarize to collapse (via concatenation) columns of strings that contain NA

r dplyr summarize

Summarise_each for first non-NA value

r dplyr summarize

Count occurrences of a string, by row, in a large data frame

r count summarize rowsum

Summarise? Count occurences in column based on another column

r dplyr summarize

Using dplyr to filter rows which contain partial string of column

r filter dplyr summarize

summarize to vector output

r vector dplyr purrr summarize

How to combine two different dplyr summaries in a single command

r dplyr summarize

Using R & dplyr to summarize - group_by, count, mean, sd [closed]

r dplyr summarize

Find difference between grouped values in dplyr

r dplyr grouping summarize

tidyverse summarize multiple columns but show result as rows

r dplyr tidyr summarize

dplyr: How to handle multiple value

r dplyr summarize

summarise returning -inf when using na.rm = TRUE

r dplyr summarize

r summarize_if with multiple conditions

r dplyr mode reduction summarize

Pandas: Get per-year counts for Dateranges spanning multiple years

How to use dplyr to calculate a weighted mean of two grouped variables

Applying group_by and summarise(sum) but keep columns with non-relevant conflicting data?

Pass column names as strings to group_by and summarize

r dplyr summarize rlang quosure

R - dplyr Summarize and Retain Other Columns

r dplyr summarize

Define and apply custom bins on a dataframe

r dataframe binning summarize