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New posts in rowname

Change single row name in data.frame

r dataframe row rename rowname

rownames_to_column does not work after rowwise() properly

r dplyr tibble rowname rowwise

Subset data frame using row names

r subset rowname

Take row names from list of lists in R

r list variables purrr rowname

How to get row index number for particular name(s)?

r rows rowname

Rownames as column in list of dataframes

r list rowname

`rowname`-ing a list of matrices

r rowname

Changing dimnames of matrices and data frames in R

Keep rownames when converting matrix to data frame

r dataframe matrix rowname

R returning partial matching of row names

r dataframe matching rowname

How can I subscript names in a table from kable()?

What is about the first column in R's dataset mtcars?

r dataframe rowname

Convert row names in multiple data frames to column in data frame

r dataframe rowname

Remove rownames in gridExtra::tableGrob

r ggplot2 gridextra rowname

How do I extract rownames from a matrix?

r matrix rowname

"subset" and "[" on dataframe give slightly different results, why?

How to select some rows with specific rownames from a dataframe? [closed]

r dataframe subset rowname

Merging more than 2 dataframes in R by rownames

r merge dataframe reduce rowname

How to remove rows of a matrix by row name, rather than numerical index?

r matrix subset rowname

Row names & column names in R

r columnname rowname