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New posts in pretty-print

Is there a way to print the structure of a multi-module maven project?

Truncating commit messages

git pretty-print git-log

Google Prettify Removes Line Breaks?

Overloading output operator for arrays

Converting Source ASCII Files to JPEGs

Haskell -- easier to read show function? (for debugging)

haskell pretty-print

Why does the column name "source" get rendered in grey in SSMS & VS T-SQL editor?

gdb python api: is it possible to make a call to a class/struct method

Freemarker print date in template

pretty-printing a record using a custom method in Clojure

Angular2 typescript - print pretty XML

antlr4/java: pretty print parse tree to stdout

java antlr antlr4 pretty-print

Java: Easier pretty printing?

java console pretty-print

Multi-line string in Rust with preserved leading whitespace

Format XML with JAXB during unmarshal

java xml jaxb pretty-print

gdb with Qt pretty printers

python qt gdb pretty-print

Pretty-printing in ghci

haskell show pretty-print ghci

how to write dataframe in JSON in pretty print style?

How to pretty print a complex Java object (e.g. with fields that are collections of objects)? [closed]

Scrollbars for code prettified using google-code-prettify