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New posts in plyr

Can I aggregate a dataframe and retain string variables in R?

r dataframe plyr aggregate

reshaping data (a faster way)

r data.table plyr

Dummy for first new element in a series

r time-series plyr

Using ddply inside a function

r plyr

Reshape data from long to a short format by a variable, and rename columns

R plyr, data.table, apply certain columns of data.frame

r data.table plyr apply

Aggregate sum and mean in R with ddply

r plyr

Efficient way to apply a function to a list of lists

r plyr

Keep row names when using rbind.fill in R

r plyr rbind

Once again: Setting the environment within a function

r function plyr environment

Debugging in plyr or dplyr - seeing which group

r debugging dplyr plyr

Interpolation within Groups

r interpolation plyr

access plyr id variables within functions

r plyr

Reshape package masking preventing melt from naming columns

r plyr reshape reshape2 melt

R-Error: data_frames can only contain 1d atomic vectors and lists

r dplyr plyr

Calculate ranks for each group

r plyr ranking

Data table aggregations with vector functions, take 2

r data.table plyr dplyr

Why can't we use . as a parameter in an anonymous function with %>%

r dplyr plyr

Getting at the previous n-rows in a data frame?

r plyr

How can I generate by-group summary statistics if my grouping variable is a factor?

r apply plyr reshape