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Longest consecutive count of the same value per group

r group-by dplyr data.table plyr

How to Vectorize this R code Using Plyr, Apply, or Similar?

r vectorization plyr kaggle

continuous subgroups with ddply

r plyr

Turning a data.frame into a single row

r plyr reshape

Beginner tips on using plyr to calculate year-over-year change across groups

r dataframe plyr

How to calculate percentage for each cell in a dataframe using ddply?

r plyr

R: using ddply with a function

r plyr

R: using ddply to apply functions to subsets of data

r plyr

Creating a column to enumerate a set of events

r plyr dplyr

How to rewrite a "sapply" command to increase performance?

performance r plyr sapply

R: remove columns based on two column's similarity check

r rows plyr

Analog of 'ave' in plyr?

r grouping plyr

Iterating in R to spell check a vector of words

ddply summarise string operation

r plyr

how to operate with a subset of an R dataframe in long format?

r dataframe data.table plyr

R: Roll up column values containing NA's by sum while grouping by ID's

R resetting a cumsum to zero at the start of each year

r plyr

User supplied arguments for ordering a data.frame using arrange

r plyr

Replacement of plyr::cbind.fill in dplyr?

r dplyr plyr cbind

Aggregation and percentage calculation by groups

r plyr aggregation