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Beginner tips on using plyr to calculate year-over-year change across groups





I am new to plyr (and R) and looking for a little help to get started. Using the baseball dataset as an exaple, how could I calculate the year-over-year (yoy) change in "at batts" by league and team (lg and team)?

df1 <- aggregate(ab~year+lg+team, FUN=sum, data=baseball)

After doing a little aggregating to simplify the data fame, the data looks like this:


  year lg team   ab
  1884 UA  ALT  108
  1997 AL  ANA 1703
  1998 AL  ANA 1502
  1999 AL  ANA  660
  2000 AL  ANA   85
  2001 AL  ANA  219

I would like to end up with someting like this

  year lg team   ab yoy
  1997 AL  ANA 1703  NA
  1998 AL  ANA 1502  -201
  1999 AL  ANA  660  -842
  2000 AL  ANA   85  -575
  2001 AL  ANA  219  134

I started by writign the following function, which I think is wrong:

yoy.func <- function(df) {
  lag <- c(df$ab[-1],0)
  cur <- c(df$ab[1],0)
  df$yoy <- cur -lag

Without sucess, I used the following code to attempt return the yoy change.

df2 <- ddply(df1, .(lg, team), yoy.func)

Any guidance woud be appreciated.


like image 963
MikeTP Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 19:01


2 Answers

I know you asked for a "plyr"-specific solution, but for the sake of sharing, here is an alternative approach in base R. In my opinion, I find the base R approach just as "readable". And, at least in this particular case, it's a lot faster!

output <- within(df1, {
  yoy <- ave(ab, team, lg, FUN = function(x) c(NA, diff(x)))
#   year lg team   ab  yoy
# 1 1884 UA  ALT  108   NA
# 2 1997 AL  ANA 1703   NA
# 3 1998 AL  ANA 1502 -201
# 4 1999 AL  ANA  660 -842
# 5 2000 AL  ANA   85 -575
# 6 2001 AL  ANA  219  134


benchmark(DDPLY = {
  ddply(df1, .(team, lg), mutate ,
        yoy = c(NA, diff(ab)))
}, WITHIN = {
  within(df1, {
    yoy <- ave(ab, team, lg, FUN = function(x) c(NA, diff(x)))
}, columns = c("test", "replications", "elapsed", 
               "relative", "user.self"))
#     test replications elapsed relative user.self
# 1  DDPLY          100  10.675    4.974    10.609
# 2 WITHIN          100   2.146    1.000     2.128

Update: data.table

If your data are very large, check out data.table. Even with this example, you'll find a good speedup in relative terms. Plus the syntax is super compact and, in my opinion, easily readable.

df1 <- aggregate(ab~year+lg+team, FUN=sum, data=baseball)
DT <- data.table(df1)
#       year lg team   ab
#    1: 1884 UA  ALT  108
#    2: 1997 AL  ANA 1703
#    3: 1998 AL  ANA 1502
#    4: 1999 AL  ANA  660
#    5: 2000 AL  ANA   85
#   ---                  
# 2523: 1895 NL  WSN  839
# 2524: 1896 NL  WSN  982
# 2525: 1897 NL  WSN 1426
# 2526: 1898 NL  WSN 1736
# 2527: 1899 NL  WSN  787

Now, look at this concise solution:

DT[, yoy := c(NA, diff(ab)), by = "team,lg"]
#       year lg team   ab  yoy
#    1: 1884 UA  ALT  108   NA
#    2: 1997 AL  ANA 1703   NA
#    3: 1998 AL  ANA 1502 -201
#    4: 1999 AL  ANA  660 -842
#    5: 2000 AL  ANA   85 -575
#   ---                       
# 2523: 1895 NL  WSN  839  290
# 2524: 1896 NL  WSN  982  143
# 2525: 1897 NL  WSN 1426  444
# 2526: 1898 NL  WSN 1736  310
# 2527: 1899 NL  WSN  787 -949
like image 171
A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09


How about using diff():

df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = '  year lg team   ab
  1884 UA  ALT  108
  1997 AL  ANA 1703
  1998 AL  ANA 1502
  1999 AL  ANA  660
  2000 AL  ANA   85
  2001 AL  ANA  219')
ddply(df, .(team, lg), mutate ,
      yoy = c(NA, diff(ab)))
#   year lg team   ab  yoy
1 1884 UA  ALT  108   NA
2 1997 AL  ANA 1703   NA
3 1998 AL  ANA 1502 -201
4 1999 AL  ANA  660 -842
5 2000 AL  ANA   85 -575
6 2001 AL  ANA  219  134
like image 26
EDi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09