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Find the minimum distance between two data frames, for each element in the second data frame

r plyr dplyr

Generating Indicators in large data frames

r memory dataframe plyr reshape2

Merge data frames from a list with each other

r merge dataframe plyr

Having trouble to use the plyr package and working with lists

r plyr

merging endpoints of a range with a sequence

r data.table plyr

How to work with the orderbook with R "by" function?

r plyr

Drop unused levels from a factor after filtering data frame using dplyr

r dplyr plyr

Randomly sampling subsets of dataframe variable

r plyr

How can I use variable names to refer to data frame columns with ddply?

r plyr

how to assign a unique identifier to multiple data frame entries

r plyr reshape

Locate and merge duplicate rows in a data.frame but ignore column order

r duplicates dataframe plyr

Using ifelse with transform in ddply

r plyr lubridate

Transpose duplicated rows to column in R

r duplicates plyr reshape

ddply summarise proportional count

r plyr

Tag all duplicate rows in R as in Stata

r data.table plyr stata

Return rows establishing a "closest value to" in R

r subset plyr

adding text to ggplot geom_jitter points that match a condition

r ggplot2 plyr

Breaking a list of character strings into partitions

r subset plyr data.table

Subset a list - a plyr way?

r plyr

Producing a rolling average of ALL the previous observations per ID in an unbalanced panel data set

r plyr zoo