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how do I use ddply with a custom function and return the original data frame along with the result

r plyr

How to split a data.table by groups and use subset by occourences in a columns?

r split data.table plyr subset

R: for-loop with ddply

r for-loop plyr

cumulative sum over time

r plyr posixct cumsum

Elegant, Fast Way to Perform Rolling Sum By List of Variables

r variables data.table plyr

Summary statistics using ddply

r dataframe plyr

coerce a multiple output in a new dataframe using ddply

r plyr

error in ddply function sum?

r plyr

Flatten/denormalize the result of the R aggregate function

r aggregate plyr reshape

Stacking data.frames in a list into a single data.frame, maintaining names(list) as an extra column

r dataframe plyr

Casting unique features in column to variable names and dummy coding original features into variables in R

r plyr apply reshape dplyr

counting N occurrences within a ceiling range of a matrix by-row

r matrix count plyr ceil

How can I rename the output rows/cols of **ply functions from plyr?

r plyr

R data.table subsetting a subset

How can I assign a variable's value to column name in plyr?

r variables plyr columnname

summarize all numeric columns of data frame by group in R

r dataframe plyr mean summary

How to select all

r dataframe subset plyr

difftime between rows using dplyr

r plyr dplyr

dplyr: apply function table() to each column of a data.frame

r plyr dplyr

Is there an alternative to "revalue" function from plyr when using dplyr?

r string dplyr plyr