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Elegant, Fast Way to Perform Rolling Sum By List of Variables

Has anyone developed an elegant, fast way to perform a rolling sum by date? For example, if I wanted to create a rolling 180-day total for the following dataset by Cust_ID, is there a way to do it faster (like something in data.table). I have been using the following example to currently calculate the rolling sum, but I am afraid it is far to inefficient.


##Make some sample variables
Trans_Dates <- as.Date(c(31,33,65,96,150,187,210,212,240,273,293,320,
Cust_ID <- c(rep(1,12),rep(2,12),rep(3,12))
Target <- rpois(36,3)

##Combine into one dataset
Example.Data <- data.frame(Trans_Dates,Cust_ID,Target)

##Create extra variable with 180 day rolling sum
Example.Data2 <- ddply(Example.Data, .(Cust_ID), 
  function(datc) adply(datc, 1, 
   function(x) data.frame(Target_Running_Total =
    sum(subset(datc, Trans_Dates>(as.Date(x$Trans_Dates)-180) & Trans_Dates<=x$Trans_Dates)$Target))))

#Print new data
like image 786
Mike.Gahan Avatar asked Oct 01 '22 05:10


1 Answers

Assuming that your panel is more-or-less balanced, then I suspect that expand.grid and ave will be pretty fast (you'll have to benchmark with your data to be sure). I use expand.grid to fill in the missing days so that I can naively take a rolling sum with cumsum then subtract all but the most recent 180 with head.

-As a question for you (and more skilled R users), why does my identical call always fail?-

I build on your same data.

full <- expand.grid(seq(from=min(Example.Data$Trans_Dates), to=max(Example.Data$Trans_Dates), by=1), unique(Example.Data$Cust_ID))
Example.Data3 <- merge(Example.Data, full, by.x=c("Trans_Dates", "Cust_ID"), by.y=c("Var1", "Var2"), all=TRUE)
Example.Data3 <- Example.Data3[with(Example.Data3, order(Cust_ID, Trans_Dates)), ]
Example.Data3$Target.New <- ifelse(is.na(Example.Data3$Target), 0, Example.Data3$Target)
Example.Data3$Target_Running_Total <- ave(Example.Data3$Target.New, Example.Data3$Cust_ID, FUN=function(x) cumsum(x) - c(rep(0, 180), head(cumsum(x), -180)))
Example.Data3$Target.New <- NULL
Example.Data3 <- Example.Data3[complete.cases(Example.Data3), ]
row.names(Example.Data3) <- seq(nrow(Example.Data3))

identical(Example.Data2$Target_Running_Total, Example.Data3$Target_Running_Total)
sum(Example.Data2$Target_Running_Total - Example.Data3$Target_Running_Total)
(Example.Data2$Target_Running_Total - Example.Data3$Target_Running_Total) 

Which yields the following.

> (Example.Data2$Target_Running_Total - Example.Data3$Target_Running_Total) 
 [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
like image 136
Richard Herron Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10

Richard Herron