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Efficient way to apply a function to a list of lists




I have 80 lists for the project in question. Each list is a list of length 1000. I'd like to run a function on each one (each of the 1000), and assign the results back to the original object. The total data is over 150 gigs so I want to make sure this is most efficient before running it on the actual data. Is this trivial example the best way to do what I need?

# my actual function is obviously more complicated.
# But let's say the goal is to keep 2/5 items in each list
trivial <- function(foo) {
keep <- c("S1", "S2")
foo[which(keep %in% names(foo))]

sublist <- replicate(5, as.list(1:5), simplify=FALSE)
names(sublist) <- paste0("S", 1:5)
eachlist <- replicate(5, sublist, simplify = F)
a1 <- a2 <- a3 <- a4 <- a5 <- eachlist

# To clarify the layout
[1] 5
> length(a1[[1]])
[1] 5
> names(a1[[1]])
[1] "S1" "S2" "S3" "S4" "S5"
# I need to drop S3-S5 from each of 5 sublists of a1.
# Now I'd like to repeat this for all 80 lists named a[0-9].

# all the objects have a pattern sometextNUMBER. This list is 
# just the names of all the lists.
listz <-  as.list(ls(pattern="[a-z][0-9]"))
> listz
[1] "a1"

[1] "a2"

[1] "a3"

[1] "a4"

[1] "a5"
# I don't need anything returned, just for a1-a80 updated such that
# in each sublist, 3 of 5 items are dropped.

# This works fine, but my concern now is just scaling this up.
l_ply(listz, function(x){
     assign(as.character(x), llply(get(x), trivial), envir = .GlobalEnv)
like image 435
Maiasaura Avatar asked Oct 17 '12 16:10


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2 Answers

You could loop over the list of names, using substitute() and eval() to first construct and then execute the expressions you'd (not!) like to type individually at the command line:

objNames <- ls(pattern="[a-z][0-9]")

for(objName in objNames) {
    expr <- 
            OBJ <- lapply(OBJ, function(X) X[names(X) %in% c("S1", "S2")])
            }, list(OBJ = as.symbol(objName)))
like image 82
Josh O'Brien Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Josh O'Brien

This is a good use-case for rapply:

listz <- replicate(5, as.list(1:5), simplify=FALSE)
fun <- function(x) x*10
out <- rapply(listz, fun, how="replace")
like image 25
Joshua Ulrich Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10

Joshua Ulrich