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Oracle DBMS_LDAP.open_ssl in PL/SQL shows error: ORA-31202: SSL handshake failed

How do I populate a user-defined record that has default values?

How to use a quoted “referencing” identifier in an Oracle trigger body

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How to develop an after serverror trigger in Oracle?

Can I copy :OLD and :NEW pseudo-records in/to an Oracle stored procedure?

Metadata regarding PL/SQL package-level record types

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Import specific tables from oracle dump file?

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Oracle 11g "Bind variable does not exist"

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Profiling stored functions in Oracle

Creating a custom, multi-argument Oracle analytic function

A type with declaration but without definition used throughout many packages

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oracle utl_lms integer substitution with variables

Numerical Optimization of PL/SQL, or alternatives

What GRANT privileges are required to use %TYPE in variable declaration

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Does SELECT start transaction in PL/SQL

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How to save XML file in PL/SQL database

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How to access Oracle system tables from inside of a PL/SQL function or procedure?

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oracle bulk insert

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Create user defined operator with left/right sides

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SUM and COUNT xPath expression doesn't work in Oracle 11.2

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