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Create user defined operator with left/right sides

I'm starting to develop an Oracle operator with pl/sql. There are some examples in the guide but now I stick on something.

In all examples that I have seen, it's always like this :

     USING text.contains;

and we use it like this in WHERE clause :

  FROM MyEmployees 
 WHERE Contains(resume, 'Oracle') = 1;

Is it possible to create an operator, which is used like =, +, ... with a left and a right side ?

In this case like :

  FROM MyEmployees 
 WHERE resume Contains 'Oracle'

Thanks for your help.

EDIT : I know it's possible with PostgreSQL, but didn't find for Oracle

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milcaepsilon Avatar asked Nov 22 '13 08:11


People also ask

What is(+) in Oracle query?

The plus sign is Oracle syntax for an outer join. There isn't a minus operator for joins. An outer join means return all rows from one table. Also return the rows from the outer joined where there's a match on the join key. If there's no matching row, return null.

What is(+) in plsql?

Yes, it means right join.

What is user defined operator?

Like built-in operators, user-defined operators take a set of operands as input and return a result. However, you create them with the CREATE OPERATOR statement, and they are identified by user-defined names. They reside in the same namespace as tables, views, types, and standalone functions.

1 Answers

Excerpt from your comment to @ajmalmhd04 answer

i really want to use my operator like built-in (=, + ...)

Yes, documentation is a bit confusing in the way it defines user-defined operators, especially this part:

user-defined operators act like the built-in operators such as <, >, and =;

Unfortunately, it means that you can use user-defined operators where(mostly) you can use built-in operators but not in the same way(operand1 OPERATOR operand2 for instance) you use built-in operators, like < or =. User-defined operators, if not look at them very very closely, are different way of calling functions with the exception that they(operators) can only be used in DML statements (select, insert and so forth). You won't be able to use them in PL/SQL directly, only through DML. So, something like this, in PL/SQL will result in PLS-00548: invalid use of operator.

if operator(<<arguments>>) = 1 then
  -- something
end if;

The benefits of creating and using operators, if you are not involved in developing application specific server-based extensions (data cartridges), indextypes for instance, not that visible to me personally. Cannot think of a situation where you can use operators and cannot use functions. Opposite is not true, however. You may look at operator's ability to have multiple bindings as a way of using it as an overloaded function. But, on the other hand, you can easily achieve the same with packages.

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Nick Krasnov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Nick Krasnov