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New posts in ora-00942

ORA-00942: Can select from "schema.table" but not "table"?

oracle ora-00942

Oracle errors handling

sql oracle plsql ora-00942

Facing an error : table or view does not exist

Oracle SELECT statement not working - ORA-00942

php oracle ora-00942

dba_jobs_running: table or view does not exist when trying to access from procedure

How to access Oracle system tables from inside of a PL/SQL function or procedure?

sql oracle plsql ora-00942

Can't select from dba_tab_cols from within stored procedure (PL/SQL)

Oracle dba_data_files table doesn't exist

oracle ora-00942 data-files

Oracle PLSQL - Declare a cursor on a non-existing table

Can I create Foreign Keys across Databases?

sql oracle oracle10g ora-00942

Oracle Create View issue

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist : How do I find which table or view it is talking about

Is there a good workaround to the Oracle IMPDP REMAP_SCHEMA issue with triggers (ORA-39083, ORA-00942)?

Getting an exception ORA-00942: table or view does not exist - when inserting into an existing table

java sql oracle jdbc ora-00942

Accessing another user's table within an Oracle Stored Procedure

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (works when a separate sql, but does not work inside a oracle function)

sql oracle oracle9i ora-00942

Spring Batch Framework - Auto create Batch Table

Why doesn't Oracle tell you WHICH table or view does not exist?

sql database oracle ora-00942