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Does SELECT start transaction in PL/SQL

I was told that following code won't help me to check duplicity, because result might be different before SELECT and UPDATE statement.

    already_exists BOOLEAN;
    SELECT COUNT(*)>0 INTO already_exists FROM Publishers WHERE name=Pname;
    IF already_exists THEN
        RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20014,'Publisher already exists!');
    END IF;
    INSERT INTO Publishers(id,name,country)
        VALUES (NewPublisherId(),Pname,Pcountry);

This post claims that SELECT starts a transaction: Why do I get an open transaction when just selecting from a database View?

This part of documentation suggests otherwise:

A transaction implicitly begins with any operation that obtains a TX lock:

  • When a statement that modifies data is issued

  • When a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statement is issued

  • When a transaction is explicitly started with a SET TRANSACTION statement or the DBMS_TRANSACTION package

So? Does SELECT start a transaction or not?

like image 857
Evka'S Avatar asked Mar 23 '18 17:03


People also ask

Does SELECT query need transaction?

In a highly concurrent application it could (theoretically) happen that data you've read in the first select is modified before the other selects are executed. If that is a situation that could occur in your application you should use a transaction to wrap your selects.

How do I start a transaction in PL SQL?

The transaction begins with the first SQL statement issued after the previous transaction, or with the first SQL statement issued after connecting to the database. The transaction ends with the COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.

What is SELECT into in PL SQL?

The SELECT INTO statement retrieves data from one or more database tables, and assigns the selected values to variables or collections. For a full description of the SELECT SQL statement, see Oracle Database SQL Reference.

Which command is used to start a transaction in SQL?

The SET TRANSACTION command can be used to initiate a database transaction. This command is used to specify characteristics for the transaction that follows. For example, you can specify a transaction to be read only or read write.

1 Answers

The latter is true: https://docs.oracle.com/cloud/latest/db112/SQLRF/statements_10005.htm#SQLRF01705

A transaction implicitly begins with any operation that obtains a TX lock:

  • When a statement that modifies data is issued
  • When a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statement is issued
  • When a transaction is explicitly started with a SET TRANSACTION statement or the DBMS_TRANSACTION package

But it really does not matter, from the point of view of the main problem - to see if the record already exists in the database. Even if the transaction is explicitely startet using SET TRANSACTION ..., your code simply does not detect duplicate transactions !

Just do a simple test manually simulating the procedure in two simultaneous sessions and you will see:

CREATE TABLE Publishers(
    id int,
    name varchar2(100)

Let say that in session #1 the procedure begins at 8:00:00.0000:

SQL> Set transaction name 'session 1';

Transaction set.

SQL> select count(*) FROM Publishers where name = 'John';


SQL> INSERT INTO Publishers(id,name) VALUES(1,'John');

1 row created.

Let say that in session #2 the same procedure begins at 8:00:00.0020, just after the insert was made in session 1, but still before the session#1 commits:

SQL> Set transaction name 'session 2';

Transaction set.

SQL> select count(*) FROM Publishers where name = 'John';


The transaction #2 does not see uncommited changes done by the session 1, so the session 2 assumess that there is no record John, so it also inserts it to the table:

SQL>  INSERT INTO Publishers(id,name) VALUES(1,'John');

1 row created.

Now the session 1 commits:

SQL> Commit;

Commit complete.

and a few milliseconds later the session2 commits too:

SQL> Commit;

Commit complete.

And the final result is - a duplicated record even though the transaction has been explicitelly started:

select * from publishers;
        ID NAME                                                                                                
---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1 John                                                                                                
         1 John         

========== EDIT =================

You can avoid the duplicity by executing statement SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE in the beginning. – @Draex_

Many think that ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE will solve the problem magically. Unfortunately, it will not help.

Let's see how it works on a simple example:

Session #1


Transaction set.

SQL> select count(*) FROM Publishers where name = 'John';


SQL> INSERT INTO Publishers(id,name) VALUES(1,'John');

1 row created.

Session #2


Transaction set.

SQL>  select count(*) FROM Publishers where name = 'John';


SQL> INSERT INTO Publishers(id,name) VALUES(1,'John');

1 row created.

Session #1 again:

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select * from publishers;

        ID  NAME
----------  --------
         1  John

and back to session #2

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select * from publishers;
            ID  NAME
    ----------  --------
             1  John
             1  John

As you can see, the magic of ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE did not work.

like image 114
krokodilko Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10
