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New posts in plpgsql

How to write a function that returns text or integer values?

Return rows matching elements of input array in plpgsql function

Postgres bulk INSERT function using JSON arguments

track revisions in postgresql

PostgreSQL: get count of occurrences of specified element in array

sql arrays postgresql plpgsql

How to delete table *or* view from PostgreSQL database?

postgresql plpgsql

Get the count of rows from a COPY command

How to get a list of stored procedures using a specific table in PostgreSQL?

Raise and catch user defined exceptions

postgresql round half down function

UPDATE a whole row in PL/pgSQL

Set a default return value for a Postgres function

RETURN QUERY-Record in PostgreSQL

Using %rowtype when returning in a PostgreSQL function

database postgresql plpgsql

Postgres Function to insert multiple records in two tables

Getting transactionid(xid) from SQL

Postgresql batch insert or ignore

Can a function detect the trigger event type?

postgresql triggers plpgsql

Array of composite type as stored procedure input

Add element to empty array

postgresql plpgsql