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Can I use EXCEPTIONs in a FOR LOOP to force continuation on error?

How to use `RETURN NEXT`in PL/pgSQL correctly?

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How to get execution time in postgres

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Correctly inserting literals in PL/PgSQL EXECUTE dynamic queries

How to remove conditions from WHERE clause if parameters are NULL

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postgresql function: Final statement returns bigint instead of integer

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Psycopg2 callproc and sql parameters

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Unescape a string with escaped newlines and carriage returns

PostgreSQL function with duplicate parameters

Possible to use a PostgreSQL TYPE to define a dblink table?

use \set variable inside plpgsql declare block [duplicate]

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Pass table to postgreSQL function, execute select statement, return table

Is it possible to create a table with a variable name in PostgreSQL?

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PostgreSQL CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE inside a plpgsql function

Return multiple rows from plpgsql function

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PostgreSQL: Same request is slower with plpgsql language compared to sql

Returning boolean from SQL function

PostgreSQL plpgsql get current procedures oid

postgresql plpgsql

Postgres function: return multiple tables

Is there a way to catch exception of a deferred constraint in pgsql?