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How to return a table's rowtype plus an additional column from a function?

How to disambiguate a plpgsql variable name in a ON CONFLICT clause?

PostgreSQL trigger not returning anything

postgresql triggers plpgsql

How to write combinatorics function in postgres?

How to programmatically check if row is deletable?

Recursive function in postgres

SELECT usage with the new CREATE PROCEDURE method

postgresql plpgsql

Perform action before exception call in Postgres trigger function

Returning set of rows from plpgsql function.

sql postgresql plpgsql

Trigger with dynamic field name

unaccent() does not work with Greek letters in plpgsql dynamic query

What does %% in PL/pgSQL mean?

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PostgreSQL 9.3: isnumeric() in a condition

How to pass custom type array to Postgres function

Running a SELECT in a PL/pgSQL block

postgresql plpgsql

How to loop through split string

sql postgresql plpgsql

How to insert multiple rows using a function in PostgreSQL

PL/pgSQL column name the same as variable

Column definitions in ROWS FROM() with multiple unnest calls

PostgreSQL function with a loop