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New posts in combinatorics

Generate Combinations of generic list

Count Number of ways to reach Nth step using steps of lengths 1,2,3,4,......m.(where m<=n)

Permutations of 3 elements within 6 positions

arrays r combinatorics permute

Calculating the nth result for itertools.product()

Designing a function to output the smallest plurality winner possible

Generate All Unique Combinations of Elements of a IEnumerable(Of T)

Efficient enumeration of non-negative integer composition

Split a set into n unequal subsets with the key deciding factor being that the elements in the subset aggregate and equal a predetermined amount?

Why Google Map Api Key have 39 chars?

Number of combinations in configurator

Generating all unique combinations for "drive ya nuts" puzzle

Choosing a subset in uniformly random manner?

random combinatorics

How many ways to represent a number from a given set of numbers

algorithm combinatorics

random and unique subsets generation

Every combination of list elements without replacement

Combinatorical partial sum

r numbers combinatorics

Write a faster combinatorics algorithm

Get all permutations without replacement?

Why is my subfactorial function off by one?

What is the more elegant way of finding combinations in a list?