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Calculating the nth result for itertools.product()

I'm trying to calculate the nth result for itertools.product()

test = list(product('01', repeat=3))

desired_output = test[0]

so instead of getting:

[('0', '0', '0'), ('0', '0', '1'), ('0', '1', '0'), ('0', '1', '1'), ('1', '0', '0'), ('1', '0', '1'), ('1', '1', '0'), ('1', '1', '1')]

I'm trying to get:

('0', '0', '0')

However as you probably already guessed, it doesn't scale well. Which is why I'm trying to only calculate the nth value.

I read through Nth Combination but I'm in need of the repeat functionality that product() offers

Thanks in advance!

like image 826
Jacob W. Dallas Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 23:03

Jacob W. Dallas

1 Answers

The repeat functionality can be simulated quite easily. Here's a python version of the Ruby code described in this blog post.

def product_nth(lists, num):
    res = []
    for a in lists:
        res.insert(0, a[num % len(a)])
        num //= len(a)

    return ''.join(res)

Call this function as

>>> repeats = 50
>>> chars = '01'
>>> product_nth([chars] * repeats, 12345673)

Here's some timeit tests:

repeat = 50
idx = 112345673

%timeit i = product_nth(['01'] * repeat, idx)
test = product('01', repeat=repeat)
one = islice(test, idx, idx+1)
j = ''.join(next(one))

2.01 s ± 22.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
36.5 µs ± 201 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

print(i == j)

The other answer is misleading because it misrepresents the functionality of islice. As an example, see:

def mygen(r):
    i = 0
    while i < r:
        print("Currently at", i)
        yield i
        i += 1

list(islice(mygen(1000), 10, 11))

# Currently at 0
# Currently at 1
# Currently at 2
# Currently at 3
# Currently at 4
# Currently at 5
# Currently at 6
# Currently at 7
# Currently at 8
# Currently at 9
# Currently at 10
# Out[1203]: [10]

islice will step through every single iteration, discarding results until the index specified. The same thing happens when slicing the output of product—the solution is inefficient for large N.

like image 160
cs95 Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 05:03
