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Best way to 'listen' to s3 bucket for new file?

I have connected zapier to a webhook I am listening too, which sends a JSON file into my s3 bucket.

I have some python code that I want to execute when a new file is uploaded into the bucket, in real time over the file.

What is the best way to 'listen' for the upload of this file into the s3 bucket?

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RustyShackleford Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 00:03


2 Answers

You can setup an Amazon's CloudWatch Event to listen for when a new object is put into a S3 bucket. You can configure the event to work with a specific S3 bucket. When a new object is put into the bucket you can configure the event to trigger a Lambda function that will execute whatever custom Python code you want to run when a new object is added.

Your question is pretty broad so I can't get into specifics, but you can checkout the AWS documentation that provides examples to guide you through the process. AWS CloudWatch Documentation.

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vielkind Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 19:03


David here, from the Zapier Platform team.

Seems like you've already found your answer, which is great. I just wanted to plug Zapier as an option (since you had mentioned you're already using it). Our S3 integration has a "new file in bucket" trigger, which you can combine with any other step (such as a Python Code step). Additionally, you could skip the middleman and structure your zap as:

  1. some trigger
  2. Add file to S3
  3. Run Python

And not need to worry about webhooks at all.

​Let me know if you've got any other questions!

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xavdid Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 19:03
