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How to remove duplicate rows with foreign keys dependencies?

pg_stat_activity doesn't update within a procedure or transaction

postgresql plpgsql

Cast produces 'Returned type character varying does not match expected type character varying(8)'

Update multiple columns in a trigger function in plpgsql

Split string with two delimiters and convert type

Can Postgres stored functions have both a return value AND out parameters?

Dynamically-generated table-name in PostgreSQL COPY command

postgresql plpgsql

Shredding XML in postgresql

xml postgresql plpgsql

PL/pgSQL anonymous code block

postgresql plpgsql

Loop through columns of RECORD

Array of arrays in PostgreSQL

sql postgresql plpgsql

PL/Proxy returning Unsupported Type on Stored Procedure Call

postgresql plpgsql

Reference psql parameter inside PL/pgSQL anonymous block

postgresql plpgsql psql

Weird now() time difference with Postgres triggers

Function as parameter to another function in Postgres

Returning a nested composite type from a PL/pgSQL function

Select every first element of array of integer arrays to array

arrays postgresql plpgsql

Remove braces from regular expression result

How To Avoid Looping Trigger Calls In PostgreSQL 9.2.1

Testing PostgreSQL functions that consume and return refcursor