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How to use Active Model Serializer without an Active Record Model?

How to profile plpgsql procedures

Calling PL/pgSQL Stored Procedures from Ruby on Rails

Execute a dynamic crosstab query

postgresql, pgadmin error RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning set

postgresql plpgsql

EXECUTE...USING statement in PL/pgSQL doesn't work with record type?

postgresql plpgsql

SELECT FROM a function returning a record with arbirary number of columns

Create an Array with a dynamic Query in PL/pgSQL

Count the number of attributes that are NULL for a row

Inserting DEFAULT value into a column when a parameter is NULL

How to test an if statement in PostgreSQL?

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Pl/pgSQL there is no parameter $1 in EXECUTE statement

postgresql plpgsql

Postgres calling a void function

plpgsql: concatenation of variable into FROM clause

postgresql plpgsql

Dynamic SELECT INTO in PL/pgSQL function

PostgreSQL vs Oracle: "compile-time" checking of PL/pgSQL

How to pass text parameter to stored function for `IN` operator

How to split a type into multiple columns in Postgres?

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Iterating through PostgreSQL records. How to reference data from next row?

How to use triggers to prevent duplicate records in PostgreSQL?