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PL/pgSQL - return single record from FUNCTION

postgresql plpgsql

How to check, if a value is an integer with plpgsql?

A simple pg/plsql loop example

How to sort objects in an array inside a json or jsonb value by a property of the objects?

Converting function from Oracle to PostgreSQL

Postgresql Create Trigger Before Deleting A Row

Format specifier for integer variables in format() for EXECUTE?

Ambiguous function arguments

postgresql plpgsql

PL/pgSQL syntax error

postgresql syntax plpgsql

Error: INTO specified more than once at or near "INTO"

postgresql plpgsql

pgsql return table ERROR: column reference is ambiguous

Javascript encodeURI like function in postgresql?

PostgreSQL plpgsql try catch block equivalent

postgresql plpgsql

PostgreSQL - SQL state: 42601 syntax error

Dynamically generate columns in PostgreSQL

Why I'm getting an error informing that "a result was not expected" when executing stored procedures on PostgreSQL from Java in a batch?

Generate a random number of non duplicated random number in [0, 1001] through a loop

How to join table with dynamic identifier in postgres?

sql postgresql plpgsql

Calling a function inside another function in PL/pgSQL

sql postgresql date plpgsql

How to return the result of a postgresql function in c#? Console output empty

c# postgresql plpgsql