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New posts in plpgsql

What is the scope of a PostgreSQL Temp Table?

plpgsql postgresql-9.3

PostgreSQL drop constraint with unknown name

Setting a configuration parameter for functions implemented in PL/pgSQL

postgresql plpgsql

Replace function used in index

Detecting column changes in a postgres update trigger

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Is there a convention for named arguments in a function in PostgreSQL

postgresql plpgsql

Print the output of execution of DO anonymous block

postgresql plpgsql

Truncating all the tables in a schema in PostgreSQL [duplicate]

Convert table into array of custom types

postgresql plpgsql

How to dynamically use TG_TABLE_NAME in PostgreSQL 8.2?

Tool for translation of Oracle PL/SQL into Postgresql PL/pgSQL [closed]

Looping through a given list of values in PL/pgSQL

what are the advantages of using plpgsql in postgresql

PostgreSQL trigger not working - neither BEFORE nor AFTER DELETE

postgresql triggers plpgsql

Update record of a cursor where the table name is a parameter

How do I create a nested function in PL/pgSQL?

PostgreSQL plpgsql - variable column names

postgresql plpgsql

plv8 disadvantages or limitations?

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Select from a table variable

Commit, savepoint, rollback to in PostgreSQL?

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