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Is it possible to dynamically loop through a table's columns?

How to execute a query multiple times in PostgreSQL

sql postgresql plpgsql

Postgres return null values on function error/failure when casting

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Postgres plpgsql with PERFORM CTE queries

Create a schema with the name passed by variable

postgresql plpgsql

PostgreSQL and word games

postgres. plpgsql stack depth limit exceeded

postgresql plpgsql

How to use variables in "EXECUTE format()" in plpgsql

PostgreSQL - Continue on unique_violation (plpgsql)

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Transaction inside a plpgsql function [duplicate]

PostgreSQL stored procedure with RETURNS TABLE(id integer) returning all NULLs

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PostgreSQL date difference

How to pass a record to a PL/pgSQL function?

How does one report the line on which an error occured in Postgres/plpgsql?


How to declare an array of rowtype in a PostgreSQL function?

Session based global variable in Postgresql stored procedure?

How to return multiple rows from PL/pgSQL function?

postgresql plpgsql

Example use of ASSERT with PostgreSQL

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Select multiple rows as array

sql arrays postgresql plpgsql