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New posts in sql-function

INSERT return type?

Should SQL functions be uppercase or lowercase?

sql function to change multiple dateformat into one dateformat

How to add non-standardized sql functions in Spring Boot application?

Entity Framework - sort by SQL function

Concatenating distinct column values in SQL Server

Using function result in WHERE clause in PostgreSQL

Returning table from table-valued function and set that value in temp table

track revisions in postgresql

Return multiple values from PL/SQL Function

oracle plsql sql-function

How to run mySQL function to update all rows?

Error using Common Table Expression in SQL User Defined Function

sql sql-server sql-function

TSQL Error: A RETURN statement with a return value cannot be used in this context

Function executes faster without STRICT modifier?

SQL Lead and Lag functions from C# code

How to generate SQL function calls with the CakePHP query builder?

show function definition in mysql

mysql sql sql-function

Very Slow SQL Server Query using Functions