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SQL Server execute (sp_executesql ) command in SQL function

How can i cut the left part of the string with unknown legth? (with sql function)

sql presto sql-function

Why can we not execute a stored procedure inside a function in SQL Server

Are execution plan for functions cached in SQL server?

divide the value of a column by another column

sql sql-function

ExecuteScalar always returns null when calling a scalar-valued function

c# sql sql-server sql-function

EF 6.1 Scalar-Valued Functions Database First

How do I create custom sequence in PostgreSQL based on date of row creation?

Registering a SQL function with JPA and Hibernate

How do I create a SQL Server function to return an int?

Alter SQL Function Referenced by Computed Column

Database Function VS Case Statement

How to call a recursive function in sql server

PostgreSQL function or stored procedure that outputs multiple columns?

SQL: Last_Value() returns wrong result (but First_Value() works fine)

SQL date format convert? [dd.mm.yy to YYYY-MM-DD]

Incompatible object type when create and alter a table value function in SQL

Why MySQL is giving error "Not allowed to return a result set from a function"?

mysql sql sql-function

Why do SQL Server Scalar-valued functions get slower?

How to create Daylight Savings time Start and End function in SQL Server