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How can i cut the left part of the string with unknown legth? (with sql function)

In the ETL process, I receive a varchar field, and the length (of the value) is changed from row to row. I need to keep 5 symbols from the right side of the string. It means that I need to cut the left side but I can't, due to the unknown length.

I've tried the select substring('24:15:11',4, 5), but it doesn't help me, the string could be '2019-05-01 22:15:11'.


select substring('24:15:11',4, 5)


like image 956
Terpsihora Avatar asked May 16 '19 07:05


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2 Answers

You can use substr. Negative starting position is interpreted as being relative to the end of the string.

select substr('24:15:11', -5)
like image 194
hotfix Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 11:11


You can use length() to determine the 2nd argument of substr():

select substr('24:15:11', length('24:15:11') - 4, 5)

or simply:

select substr('24:15:11', length('24:15:11') - 4)

Read about preosto's string functions.

like image 43
forpas Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 10:11
