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Count spaces (ASCII code 32) at the beginning and end of string

I'm struggling with the following problem. I have a column with this kind of data:

'abbb ccc   '
'    aaa abbb ccc'
'abbb ccc   '
'   aaa abbb ccc   '
'   ccc'
'aaa abbb'

I want to count the number of spaces on the left and the number of spaces on the right of each string.

like image 894
Guilherme Avatar asked May 24 '18 14:05


3 Answers

Try using a combination of LEN, LTRIM, and REVERSE:

    LEN(col) - LEN(LTRIM(col)) AS num_left,
    LEN(REVERSE(col)) - LEN(LTRIM(REVERSE(col))) AS num_right
FROM yourTable;


As @AaronDietz mentioned in the comment below, LEN actually also trims whitespace on the right. But LEN does not affect leading whitespace. To compensate for this we can reverse the string and then do the calculation using LTRIM.

like image 156
Tim Biegeleisen Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Tim Biegeleisen

DECLARE @s NVARCHAR(50)='abbb ccc   '
DECLARE @t NVARCHAR(50)='    aaa abbb ccc'
    RightSpaces = LEN(RTRIM(REVERSE(@s))) - LEN(@s),
    LeftSpaces = LEN(@t) - LEN(LTRIM(REVERSE(@t)))


RightSpaces LeftSpaces
3           4

or you can use DATALENGTH and remove the need for REVERSE

    LeftSpaces  = (DATALENGTH(@s)- DATALENGTH(RTRIM(@s)))/2,
    RightSpaces = (DATALENGTH(@t)- DATALENGTH(LTRIM(@t)))/2


RightSpaces LeftSpaces
3           4
like image 45
Mazhar Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11


You can ditch LEN and TRIM functions and use PATINDEX instead:

    PATINDEX('%[^ ]%', str) - 1 AS leading_spaces,
    PATINDEX('%[^ ]%', REVERSE(str)) - 1 AS trailing_spaces
FROM testdata


| str                | leading_spaces | trailing_spaces |
| abbb·ccc···        | 0              | 3               |
| ····aaa·abbb·ccc   | 4              | 0               |
| abbb·ccc···        | 0              | 3               |
| ···aaa·abbb·ccc··· | 3              | 3               |
| ···ccc             | 3              | 0               |
| aaa·abbb           | 0              | 0               |

SQL Fiddle

like image 22
Salman A Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Salman A