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Best way to exclude outdated data from a search in PostgreSQL

Debugging PL/Python functions

What is the proper syntax for PostgreSQL stored procedures (functions)?

Drop or create database from stored procedure in PostgreSQL

Postgres function returning one record while I have many records?

:= sql operator in pgsql function [duplicate]

What is a "non-SETOF function"?

postgresql plpgsql

Better way to write PL/pgSQL?

postgresql plpgsql

Postgres creating a local temp table (on commit drop) from a dynamic sql string

PostgreSQL - Start A Transaction block IN Function

sql postgresql plpgsql

Trap specific named unique constraint exception

Dynamic ORDER BY and ASC / DESC in a plpgsql function

Inserted, Deleted tables in postgreSQL, like SQL Server?

postgresql triggers plpgsql

plpgsql Error: RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning void

SELECT multiple rows and columns into a record variable

Robust approach for building SQL queries programmatically

PostgreSQL: Return JSON from function using language plpgsql

postgresql plpgsql

Liquibase error [Postgresql]: unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near "$BODY$

Using pg_notify in PostgreSQL trigger function

PostgreSQL CASE usage in functions