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New posts in pipe

How can I pipe output of bzip to mysql to restore data directly from bzipped file into a database

Piping input into a c++ program to debug in Visual Studio

How do I get java to exit when piped to head

java exception pipe unix-head

Ruby pipes: How do I tie the output of two subprocesses together?

ruby pipe popen

dplyr . and _no visible binding for global variable '.'_ Note in package check

r dplyr pipe magrittr

Use pipe without feeding first argument

r pipe magrittr

Piping program output to less does not display beginning of the output

unix pipe

How to get piped input to ruby -e on command line?

ruby bash pipe stdin

Is there a way to improve performance of linux pipes?

How to use Windows CMD pipe( | ) feature with CALL :Label command option?

batch-file cmd call pipe

How do you construct a read-write pipe with lua?

lua pipe

Jenkins pipeline sh does not seem to respect pipe in shell command

c++ connect output stream to input stream

c++ pipe iostream

Hudson : "yes: standard output: Broken pipe"

shell ubuntu jenkins hudson pipe

how to redirect stdout of 2nd process back to stdin of 1st process?

bash shell pipe

Non-blocking pipe using popen?

c linux pipe popen

cat file | ... vs ... <file

unix shell pipe puzzle

How do you use Notepad++ regex pipe | for strings longer than one character?

regex notepad++ pipe

Why does this shell pipeline exit?

linux bash unix pipe

What are the differences between pipes in Windows and Linux?