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New posts in pipe

Replace vim selection with output of shell command

vim curl pipe external

What are all the differences between pipes and message queues?

how to feed a file to telnet

http redirect pipe telnet

Need some explaination of kubectl stdin and pipe

How do I keep colors when piping "jq" output to "less"?

linux unix pipe jq less-unix

Writing my own shell... stuck on pipes?

c++ unix shell pipe

PhantomJS: pipe input

How to detect if Node's process.stdout is being piped?

node.js shell pipe tty

Include text in Angular 2+ Date Pipe format

angular pipe date-pipe

How to pipe program output in an editor?

linux editor pipe

Bash piping in OSX prompts command not found, sometimes

bash osx-lion pipe piping

Is continuation passing style any different to pipes?

Implementation of multiprocessing.Queue and queue.Queue

python linux queue pipe

How redirect a shell command output to a Python script input ?

python shell input pipe

How do you pipe output from a Ruby script to 'head' without getting a broken pipe error

ruby unix pipe

Windows command interpreter: how to obtain exit code of first piped command

windows cmd pipe exit-code

How to send integer with pipe between two processes!

c linux ipc pipe

Node.js and piping a ConnectionListener

node.js pipe

frameworks for representing data processing as a pipeline

Why doesn't "sort file1 > file1" work?

linux shell unix redirect pipe