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New posts in pipe

Get argument from pipe

bash pipe xargs

Angular 2 pipe - calculating summary of array of objects

arrays angular sum pipe reduce

Do I need await fs.createWriteStream in pipe method in node?

node.js async-await pipe

Ionic 3: The pipe '' could not be found [duplicate]

How to pipe commands using Ansible? e.g. curl -sL host.com | sudo bash -

ansible pipe

Is there an fread analog for reading from stdin?

linux r pipe data.table

Connecting input _and_output between of two commands in shell/bash

unix shell pipe

After a pipe the command is considered prefixed with a space

bash ubuntu grep pipe

xargs: command substitution $(...) with pipe doesn't work

I see it, but I don't believe it. Legal names in R, piping operations, and the dot

Is it possible to upload a file with cURL from a pipe?

curl upload pipe stdin fifo

Using python multiprocessing pipes

Python os.pipe vs multiprocessing.Pipe

How to implement 'set -o pipefail' in a POSIX way - almost done, expert help needed

shell command-line pipe posix

How to idiomatically / efficiently pipe data from Read+Seek to Write?

io pipe rust

Line-oriented streaming in Ruby (like grep)

ruby pipe

redirecting stdin/stdout from exec'ed process to pipe in Perl

perl redirect exec pipe stdout

Bash set -x echo redirects as well as commands

bash pipe io-redirection

Redirect stdin in a script to another process

bash pipe

Bypassing buffering of subprocess output with popen in C or Python

python c buffer pipe