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New posts in command-substitution

Bash: Checking for exit status of multi-pipe command chain

Escaping backslash in AWK in command substituion

How do I use command substition in Dockerfile

set environment variable in GDB from output of command

How to address error "bash: !d': event not found" in Bash command substitution [duplicate]

Multi-line, double quoted string triggers history expansion on subsequent single-quoted commands it gets piped to

How to use `set -e` inside a bash command substitution?

How to set environment variable within GDB using shell command?

The mechanics of this shell syntax: ${1:-$(</dev/stdin)}

Escape $() syntax in `docker exec`

xargs: command substitution $(...) with pipe doesn't work

Bash command substitution ( $(...) ) forcing process to foreground

Command substitution with string substitution

bash command-substitution

Command substitution vs process substitution

PS1 command substitution fails when containing newlines on msys bash

Exit code of command substitution in bash local variable assignment [duplicate]

Fish equivalent of bash $(command) notation

Backticks vs braces in Bash

bash command-substitution

How to avoid bash command substitution to remove the newline character?

How do I assign the output of a command into an array?