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New posts in fish

Bundler not found using fish shell w/ rbenv

bundler rbenv fish

conditionally set local variable in fish


How do I translate this bash function to fish shell?

bash function shell fish

Splitting a String into Command Line Arguments

shell fish

Extracting a folder name from path in Fish Shell


How to insert new lines when editing some script with fish's built-in editor?


How to use xargs with a function in fish shell?

function fish

fish shell seems to be ignoring LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

shell ubuntu fish

Fish shell: variable with last argument


How to write multilines to a file with fish?

cat fish

Fish shell: Shortcut for accept and run command suggestion

shell fish

Seeing "fatal: Refusing to point HEAD outside of refs/" after every command I run in the terminal


Bash script to remove leading white spaces from files names

bash fish

same aliases and functions for user and root in fish shell


Multiple functions in one fish file


Directory of running script in Fish shell

bash fish

How to get decimal value from divide in fish shell


Printing executed commands

shell unix fish

Get fish shell to work with gcloud command line tools?

fish gcloud

In fish shell, how can I put two conditions in an if statement?

if-statement fish