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New posts in pipe

running a program through ssh fails with "Error opening terminal: unknown."

linux bash parsing ssh pipe

Non blocking read on os.pipe on Windows

python windows pipe

Difference between mkfifo() and mknod()

c linux pipe

Win32, ReadFile from pipe block even after child terminated

c pipe win32-process

xcodebuild corrupts test result output when output redirected to file

Problem redirecting output of find to a file

unix find pipe

Left side of pipe is the subshell?

Use output of bash command (with pipe) as a parameter for another command

Send data to multiple sockets using pipes, tee() and splice()

c linux pipe zero-copy

How to pipe stdin into a perl script that is looking for input as the only parameter?

perl pipe stdin

Angular 2 - Endless loop in async pipe

angular pipe

Is sed blocking?

unix sed pipe netcat

Ambiguous redirect when redirecting to multiple files using Bash

bash redirect pipe

Incorrect results with bash process substitution and tail?

bash pipe tail tee

find results piped to zcat and then to head

bash find pipe zcat unix-head

Calling python script with subprocess.Popen and flushing the data

python subprocess pipe

are posix pipes lightweight?

c linux posix pipe

Can I pipe a io.BytesIO() stream to subprocess.popen() in Python?

F#: killing redundancy in Map/Reduce/Filter

Force another program's standard output to be unbuffered using Python

python linux pipe stdout