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How to idiomatically / efficiently pipe data from Read+Seek to Write?





I want to take data from random locations in input file, and output them sequentially to output file. Preferably, with no unnecessary allocations.

This is one kind of solution I have figured out:

use std::io::{ self, SeekFrom, Cursor, Read, Write, Seek };

fn read_write() {
    // let's say this is input file
    let mut input_file = Cursor::new(b"worldhello");
    // and this is output file
    let mut output_file = Vec::<u8>::new();

    assemble(&mut input_file, &mut output_file).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(b"helloworld", &output_file[..]);

// I want to take data from random locations in input file
// and output them sequentially to output file
pub fn assemble<I, O>(input: &mut I, output: &mut O) -> Result<(), io::Error> 
    where I: Read + Seek, O: Write 
    // first seek and output "hello"
    let mut hello_buf = [0u8; 5];
    try!(input.take(5).read(&mut hello_buf));

    // then output "world"
    let mut world_buf = [0u8; 5];
    try!(input.take(5).read(&mut world_buf));


Let's not worry about I/O latency here.


  1. Does the stable Rust have some helper to take x bytes from one stream and push them to another stream? Or do I have to roll my own?
  2. If I have to roll my own, maybe there is a better way?
like image 605
Nercury Avatar asked Nov 01 '15 11:11


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1 Answers

You are looking for io::copy:

use std::io::{self, prelude::*, SeekFrom};

pub fn assemble<I, O>(mut input: I, mut output: O) -> Result<(), io::Error>
    I: Read + Seek,
    O: Write,
    // first seek and output "hello"
    io::copy(&mut input.by_ref().take(5), &mut output)?;

    // then output "world"
    io::copy(&mut input.take(5), &mut output)?;


If you look at the implementation of io::copy, you can see that it's similar to your code. However, it takes care to handle more error cases:

  1. write does not always write everything you ask it to!
  2. An "interrupted" write isn't usually fatal.

It also uses a larger buffer size but still stack-allocates it.

like image 129
Shepmaster Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 14:11
