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Discovering the reason for File.mkdirs() failure

If I call one of the methods File.mkdir() or File.mkdirs() in Java, and it returns false, is there a way to know why was the directory not created?

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brandizzi Avatar asked Sep 22 '11 18:09


1 Answers

Not really, no. If a SecurityException is NOT thrown, then the most likely cause is a typo in the path, meaning you've accidentally specified a parent path to the new directories that is somehow invalid.

I don't suppose you have it wrapped in a try { ... } catch (Exception e) block, where you don't realize a SecurityException is being thrown, because you're catching an ancestor of SecurityException, do you?

If you have a high belief that everything looks right, and it still fails, I suppose you could simply put it in a loop to retry, say, three times. If it still fails, and depending on your application, you might raise some kind of alert at the UI level, or log the error in a log file (assuming you can write to it).

I suppose it's possible that some deeper I/O issue is preventing it from working, but beyond simply notifying the user of a failure there isn't much you can (or really should) do at an application level. If there's something deeper in the I/O wrong, that's more likely a problem with the system/hardware/OS, or something completely wonky that you have no control over like a subsystem/service crash.

...and if that's happening, that's the responsibility of the IT guy to fix, not your application. Unless of course your app is somehow causing the crash.

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jefflunt Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10
