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New posts in persistence

Where in the filesystem do I store app's data files?

How do you set the schema name for sequences at deploy time when using JPA?

java oracle jpa persistence

Fluent NHibernate - PersistenceSpecification of HiLo scheme

websphere 7 and (application based) open-jpa 2

Alternatives to pickle's `persistent_id`?

How can I validate constrains on entities during persist of an entity in hibernate

Using JPA with Hibernate implementation: entityManager.remove - not working

java hibernate jpa persistence

Why use normal attributes (attribute.set[..]) in chef?

eclipselink PersistenceUnitLoadingEception in executable JAR

How do you persist/restore aggregate roots with entities in DDD?

Domain layer and the persistence layer difference

java persistence

How to Optimise a JPA Query

java jpa persistence jpa-2.0

Postgres in Docker persistent data

How can I combine TABLE_PER_CLASS and GenerationType.IDENTITY

DCI (data, context, interaction) persistence example

persistence dci

Persisting set of Enums in a many-to-many unidirectional mapping

Looking for a disk-based redis-like database [closed]

A JTA EntityManager cannot use getTransaction()

java persistence ejb-3.0

How reliable is Firestore as an offline persistence mechanism?

NSCoding VS Core data