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New posts in perfect-forwarding

How does std::apply forward parameters without explicit std::forward?

Perfect forwarding of variables declared with structured binding

Move semantics and perfect forwarding difference

Why doesn't `const int ci = 2; std::forward<int>(ci);` work and how to fix / workaround it?

Understanding std::forward

Possible std::forward regression with g++ 6.1 - bug or intended behavior?

Reordering Variadic Parameters

Passing variadic template arguments to a variadic function

What kind of problems for not forwarding universal reference?

Exposing parameter types in a perfectly-forwarding function avoiding code repetition

How to combine std::bind(), variadic templates, and perfect forwarding?

C++11 std::forward_as_tuple and std::forward

Would you ever mark a C++ RValue reference parameter as const

rationale behind c++ implicit copy and move constructor?

Proper style for declaration in range-based for

Why there is no std::move_if_noexcept counterpart for std::forward in C++11/14?

Perfect Forwarding to async lambda

Why does std::forward discard constexpr-ness?

A failure to instantiate function templates due to universal (forward) reference to a templated type

Purpose of perfect forwarding for Callable argument in invocation expression?