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Exposing parameter types in a perfectly-forwarding function avoiding code repetition

I have an annoying scenario where I need to defer the initialization of some object state and allow the user to construct one on demand. E.g.

// user code

context c;
// ...do something...
c.initialize_state(a, b, c);

// library code

class context
    class state
        state(A a, B b, C c);

        state(const state&) = delete;
        state(state&&) = delete;

    std::optional<state> _state; // or `boost::optional`

    template <typename... Xs>
    void initialize_state(Xs&&... xs) 

As you can see from the code above, the interface of context::initialize_state tells the user nothing about how to initialize context::_state. The user is forced to look at the implementation of initialize_state and then look at state::state to understand what should be passed to initialize_state.

I could change initialize_state to...

void initialize_state(A&& a, B&& b, C&& c) 
    _state.emplace(std::move(a), std::move(b), std::move(c));

...but this has a major drawback: there is code duplication with state::state, that needs to be manually maintained in case the argument types change.

Is there any way I can get the best of both worlds (DRY and user-friendly interface)? Note that state is not movable/copyable.

like image 941
Vittorio Romeo Avatar asked May 16 '18 11:05

Vittorio Romeo

2 Answers

but this has a major drawback: there is code duplication with state::state, that needs to be manually maintained in case the argument types change.

This is a general problem with encapsulation. It's (definition) not DRY.

There is a way to preserve the relationship between the state constructor overloads and the interface of initialize_state, which is to use enable_if along with the is_constructible type trait.

class context
    class state
        state(A a, B b, C c);

        state(const state&) = delete;
        state(state&&) = delete;

    std::optional<state> _state; // or `boost::optional`
    template <typename... Xs>
    initialize_state(Xs&&... xs) 
        // condition
        std::is_constructible<state, Xs...>::value, 

        // return type
like image 152
Richard Hodges Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10

Richard Hodges

The class state may not be copyable/movable, but it appears that A, B and C are. (So I'm assuming there is some other, internal data in state that prevents copyability/movability)

You can pull these members out into another class that can be injected into state. For lack of a better name, I'll call it state_args:

struct state_args
   explicit state_args(A a, B b, C c);
   A a_;
   B b_;
   C c_;

Which enables the following:

class context
    class state
        state(state_args args);

        state(const state&) = delete;
        state(state&&) = delete;

    std::optional<state> _state; // or `boost::optional`

    template<class STATE_ARGS, /*enable_if to ensure STATE_ARGS is indeed state_args*/>
    void initialize_state(STATE_ARGS&& internal_state) 
like image 35
AndyG Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10
