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New posts in perfect-forwarding

combining two constructors that copy and move

Why can't I use traits with forwarding references in C++?

Why can std::is_invocable not handle forwarding?

When not to use std::forward with r-values?

Why can't I return a unique_ptr from a pair?

Perfect forwarding a functor

Why function default parameters cannot be perferct forwarded in C++?

std::forward and constructor with non-const reference argument

Proper use of universal references

How to omit perfect forwarding for deduced parameter type?

Why is there a difference between std::function constructor or assignment?

How to store universal references

How remove_reference disable template argument deductions?

Why forwarding return value is needed

How to flatten heterogeneous lists (aka tuples of tuples of ...)

C++ std::forward<T> vs static_cast<T>

How to construct an object either from a const reference or temporary via forwarding template

Trying to understand std::forward, std::move a little better

Perfect forwarding with class template argument deduction

Move all arguments to lambda