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New posts in pass-by-reference

Implications of using an ampersand before a function name in C++?

c++ treat the address location as an integer

Why doesn't this work if in Ruby everything is an Object?

Delphi passing parameters by reference or by value/copy

Why is passing by const ref slower when using std::async

c++ stl pass-by-reference

Is there a rational explanation for this PHP call-by-value behavior? Or PHP bug?

Obtaining a pointer to the end of an array

Why is calling a function (such as strlen, count etc) on a referenced value so slow?

How can arguments to variadic functions be passed by reference in PHP?

passing a const char instead of a std::string as function argument

pass by reference and value with pointers [duplicate]

Origin of term "reference" as in "pass-by-reference"

Out parameters in C

java Boolean value not changing in called method [duplicate]

Visual C++ 10.0 bug in std::reference_wrapper?

Storing const reference to an object in class

c++ c++11 pass-by-reference

Should I pass a lambda by const reference.

How to modify an array in function?

Passing char array by reference

Pass an argument by reference in C++/CLI so re-assignment affects the caller

c++-cli pass-by-reference