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New posts in packaging

How to use "checkinstall" with Python packages that use "setuptools"

Pros/cons to various Java packaging strategies

java deployment packaging

Do I need to install AzureSdk on the build server to create azure packages?

Precompiling GWAN applications

Android gradle packagingOptions pickFirst and exclude not working

maven-dependency-plugin generates duplicate files in jar-with-dependencies.jar file

Set a custom install directory when making a deb package with fpm

django packaging devops deb fpm

RPM require kernel-devel package of currently installed kernel

linux centos rpm packaging

Importing the entire Python standard library

python import packaging py2exe

Alternative to zc.buildout that runs on Python3

Include java.exe in the runtime built

java javafx packaging

Gradle Jar packaging Vue into Spark

What is a good way to package django apps?

django packaging

What are best practices for managing related Cabal packages?

haskell packaging cabal

Python package: how to avoid redefining author version etc?

python packaging

Ocra throws errors when packing an script

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] when packaging for PyPI

python csv packaging pypi

how to prevent Poetry to consider .gitignore

Package a Node.js application as an OS X application

How to know the value of built-in macro in RPM?

linux packaging rpm