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IDE debugging with Docker, nginx, PHP7-FPM and Xdebug

php5-fpm.sock not found / created in /var/run

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Apache and php-fpm doesn't work for script name with forward slashes

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Set a custom install directory when making a deb package with fpm

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Use PHP sendmail from Docker container to send through host Postfix

Why does php-fpm ignore permissions defined for supplementary groups?

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Reloading php-fpm after deploy via php-deployer without password

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Nginx + Php-fpm fastcgi upstream timed out

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Laravel Valet logs

How to change the format of PHP-FPM error log?

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Allow users to reload PHP FPM without Sudo

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How does one enable the OCI8 PHP extension, using the Oracle Instant Client, in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with PHP-FPM and NGINX?

Execute PHP script after php-fpm master process is restarted

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Wrong SCRIPT_FILENAME & PHP_SELF in Apache 2.4.26

php-fpm container livenessProbe with /ping route

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where is php-fpm getting its config values on osx

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Set up php-fpm status page with php7 and apache

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