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Setting up "configure" for openMP in R

r packages openmp configure

R Packages for Limnology [closed]

r packages

Is it possible to recompile the DataSnap packages in Delphi XE with a new/different version of Indy?

editing packages.config by hand [duplicate]

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Linking multiple files while creating a package in R

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How to avoid resource collisions in library jars?

Is there a free package for reading, manipulating and writing ASN.1 in Java?

java packages asn.1

Simulation of molecular dynamics in Python

How to prefer `defaults` numpy over `conda-forge` numpy when installing `conda-forge` package

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Python: Finding all packages inside a package

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Managing very large codebases in Delphi using a Library of Debug and Regular DCUs I built myself

R can't find packages installed by travis

r packages travis-ci

How to create packages in Python 3? ModuleNotFoundError

python python-3.x packages

Installing nloptr on Linux - fatal error: nlopt.h: No such file or directory

Difference between tests/ and inst/tests/ for R packages

r testing packages

re- installing R linux ubuntu: unmet dependencies R

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How do you determine from a BPL if it is design time only

delphi packages delphi-xe

R Shiny Server installation package

Sun's Java Package Naming Convention: sun vs. com.sun