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ReviewBoard pip installation failure

Bash - how to check if packages can be installed, if apt-get/dpkg is running?

apt-get dpkg

Unable to locate package while building Docker image

(Ubuntu 14.04) apt-get libopencv-dev, but get errors: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages

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Ubuntu 16.04 apt-get - Could not resolve 'proxy_server' [closed]

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How remove emacs full?

What version of npm works with nodejs 0.10?

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dpkg:unrecoverable fatal error (files list file for package 'java-common' is missing final newline)

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Error with "sudo apt-get", dictionnary-commons since update to Ubuntu 14.04

How to remove an incomplete package by using apt-get? [closed]

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Benefit of installing Django from .deb versus .tar.gz?

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How to fix "invalid signature when apt-get update" error?

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Install git or update git without apt-get or yum

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On Ubuntu, how to install pygtk for python 2.7 through apt-get?

Build a conda package relying on an apt library

How to install libmagic on Heroku?

Equivalent of apt-get on OpenELEC

Unable to locate package language-pack-en